A Peculiar Shift + Book Title Clue

Ethereal Sheer Curtain with Light Streaming Through onto Bed



A Peculiar Shift + Book Title Clue

A butterfly landed on me last night and it stayed there awhile.

I try not to indulge superstition within myself, but I take note when odd things happen and trust their meaning will reveal itself in time— like little clues in this puzzle of life. I treasure them when they appear for I can not manufacture nor force them to arrive when I would like a sign.

They surface when I stop searching or rather when I believe God is not so seriously concerned with my spirituality as I am. They arrive, glowing with his fingerprints — a precious invitation to abandon all else and play.

The world seems so much lighter and I am so relieved.

I hold this fresh faith dearly along with all the gifts it brings for it is here now and with it leaves all worries to be carried in the wind.

It’s a dance. I remember now—the parallel instantly liberates my soul from binding expectations to embrace the nuance of union with God. It’s a dance dependent on his leading and my surrender.

All I want to be and think I am not is irrelevant. This is fun, freedom, complete safety in the strength of his stance.

The phrase echoes within me and I think, “The Divine Dance. That’s a book title I could write to.” One quick search reveals I am not alone in this revelation as Richard Rohr and some others beat me to it. Of course, there is reference to Christian Mysticism which finds me far more often then I look for it.

Still, I know the familiar glow of this thread and believe God to be on the other side of it.

Hope is such a bright and beautiful thing. I am not lost or forgotten along the way.

And that feels deeply healing to say.

What love.

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