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Book List

A few magical books that have found me in my journey.

Interior Castle

by Saint Teresa of Avila

I was immediately drawn to this book as castles are a strong motif in my life. Reading the first few pages, I felt an unexpected kinship to Saint Teresa of Avila, a 16th century nun, assuming her writing would be distant and dense—but the revised language was surprisingly romantic and relatable to my own experience with Christ.

I was struck by the peculiar familiarity of thoughts + imagery as she outlines her journey inward through the castle, exploring the complexities of faith and union with Christ.

Christian Mystic, Reflective, Allusive, Honest, Humble

Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith + Art

by Madeleine L'Engle

A dear artist friend of mine handed me this book when I came to visit her. The next day I had nearly finished it, ironically walking circles around the pool and highlighting whole sections which spoke so poignantly to my disconnect in creativity at the time. I never did walk on the water, but was reminded of the power in surrender, allowing the work to create itself.

Christian Mystic, Reflective, Witty, Honest, Anecdotal

The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

by Julia Cameron

This book found me at Magnolia Market in Waco with a little note from Jo sharing her personal liberation in reading it. It's written like a course-study, intended to be deeply reflective and involved with journal prompts unraveling the beliefs that keep the artist hidden inside us all. A beautiful book for all humans finding their way, not just creatives.

Spiritual, Reflective, Anecdotal, Honest, Practical